New Name Announced For Rotherham Roundabout.
The new name for the B&Q roundabout at Masborough was finally announced this week .
Regular readers will recall that Rotherham Borough Council took the decision to change the name of the roundabout back in May in protest at the retailer closing its Parkgate store. A council spokesman at the time said “You name a roundabout after them, and this is how they repay you. Well if they can’t be arsed to sell us light bulbs, toilet seats and compost, I don’t see why we should give them free advertising.”
The new naming process has not been without difficulty, “The problem is that there’s sod all there “ said Sid Simmons who heads up the road landmark naming planning sub committee, “but we finally reached a decision and I’m sure ‘The Carpet Warehouse That Some Scrotes Burnt Down Roundabout’ will be tripping off local tongues in no time at all.”
The new name is bound to be controversial and will disappoint many local motorists who lobbied hard for ‘The It Was Much Better Before The Traffic Lights Roundabout’, and ‘The Pick A Lane, Any Lane Roundabout’ which were narrowly beaten into joint second place.
Next month the committee are looking at ideas for re-naming the St Anne’s roundabout in Eastwood with something more appropriate to the area today. At the time of going to press, all of the preliminary ideas put forward by the public have been scribbled on, shredded, and then incinerated by council lawyers, before being dumped at sea.