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Fettle’s Offal Claims Questioned.

There was more bad news for local mayoral candidate Norman Fettle yesterday after his integrity was yet again called into question. Just last week we reported how Fettle had been secretly recorded making sexist and misogynistic comments in the County Pub on Wellgate. And now a former family friend has called into question, his claim to be a self made offal magnate.

Arthur Robshaw was a business associate of Fettles parents, Ivor and Ava Fettle. He paints a very different picture from the one Norman Fettle likes to portray. “Ivor was huge in tripe even when Norman was no more than knee high to a grasshopper.” he told us. “Norman had no interest in offal at all at back then, and it was only after Ivor died that he took over the business. He just cashed in on what Ivor had built up. All he did was diversify into bag. It was an obvious move. Norman isn’t an offal man…never was and never will be.”

When we rang Norman Fettles house in East Dene, a young woman with an Eastern European accent answered the phone, and said he was tied up. Fettle called us back a few minutes later and appeared somewhat flustered. “Don’t listen to anything Robshaw says” he told us “it’s just sour grapes. He’s still pissed off that I outbid him on a cow heel and  chitterling contract back in 1987. He said he’d get back at me, well this is it”

The controversies of the past week must make the earlier media speculation of whether Fettles hair is a wig, a weave or some type of small animal sacrificed for the purpose, seem little more than a mild diversion.

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