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Local Journalist Sacked After Publishing Good News Story


A journalist from The Rotherham Advertiser was sacked this week after writing an article which neglected to feature someone who had died, been ripped off, or been punched in the face by a knuckle-dragging neighbour.

Tony Taylor had worked for the paper for over 20 years, and never previously written anything with a positive slant, but slipped up last month when he failed to postulate  that a man who had donated over £20,000 to the local hospice was, in all likelihood, a tax dodging chancer who was only giving away a small  part of what he’d robbed off poor people anyway. This followed a previous breach of the papers code of conduct when back in August 2016,  Taylor failed to  illustrate any of his articles with photographs of people pointing at stuff and looking angry or pissed off.

A spokesman for the publishers told us “We didn’t get where we are today by giving the impression that some things around here aren’t absolutely shit. Tony has a responsibility to maintain the view that the town and its inhabitants have absolutely no redeeming features, and he has quite clearly failed in that responsibility.”

We tried to speak to Tony for his comments but  his wife answered the phone and said he was busy trying to recover his tattered reputation by writing a freelance piece about  a group of fly-tipping migrant gypsies,  dumping their crap in local beauty spots before going on to ram raid post offices and round up local pet dogs to cook on an open fire for food.

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