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Rotherham Man To Have His Testicles Shaved For Charity

A Kimberworth man is hoping to raise £1,000 for charity by having his testicles shaved.

Ken Baldcock from Bradgate Road says he will carry out the delicate exfoliation in the privacy of his own bathroom, on the 10th February, but has no intention of lobbing out his towns for public inspection. “People are going to have to take it on trust,” he told us “Do you really think I’m going to lie about something like that? Rest assured, they’ll be like a pair of slightly misshapen and wrinkly plums by the time I’ve done.”

When we put it to him that he may be missing the point, Ken angrily rejected the criticism “Yes, I could have had my head shaved,” he told us “but everyone does that and  I’d have ended up looking a right dick. Or I could have had my legs or chest waxed or plucked, but that would have hurt like bloody hell. This way, I don’t have any pain or embarrassment, but the charity still gets to benefit. So everyone’s a winner”

It looks like the jury is still   out on that one. As The Bugle went to press, just £4 had been raised towards the £1,000 target, which Ken has already spent in Boots on some shaving foam and a packet of Bics.

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