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Rotherham Woman Has Plenty Of Friends But Hates Them All

A Rotherham woman doesn’t actually like any of her friends it has emerged. Karen Walker, 32 from Brinsworth says that despite seemingly having a wide circle of friends, she’d rather have her crack waxed than spend time with any of them.

 “The thing is,” she told us “I picked up all these so called friends along the way without thinking, and by the time I realised they were a collection of needy, back-biting  and vacuous users, it was too late. They were my friends. Every day I meet people who I like more than my friends. I’d rather have them as my friends but you can’t just dump the ones you have. And anyway, these people also have friends they don’t like that they can’t just jettison either. And so I often spend hours bitching about my friends to lovely  strangers, who then bitch about their friends to me. It’s odd but it helps us both get through the day.”

Karen was hoping to set up a self-help group, provisionally called Friend Disconnected, but abandoned the plans after three of her own friends turned up for the first meeting,

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