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Zafira Driver With ‘One Life – Live It’ Sticker Asked To Explain Himself

A Rawmarsh man has been asked to explain himself after a ‘One Life Live It’ sticker was spotted in the back of a beige 2002 Vauxhall Zafira parked outside Home Bargains last Saturday afternoon.

The sticker, often seen as a clarion call to live life to the max and follow a full-on, care free lifestyle, jarred with several passers by who felt it to be at odds with the achingly dull car and depressing location.

Enquiries by the Bugle revealed that the car is owned by Andy Ball, a 32 year old mobile phone salesman from Ingshead Avenue, who has two young children, a 30 year mortgage, and a 25% share in a four berth caravan at Ingoldmells.

When we confronted Andy with the criticisms, he was unapologetic, “I see the sticker as an embodiment of an underlying philosophy rather than a statement of my current reality,” he said. “A laissez faire, devil may care approach to life is a noble aspiration, but tends to go tits up when you’re skint, run out of bog roll, and your 5 year olds got the shits.”

Andy asked us to point out that he also owns a 125cc motorcycle, and has a family holiday in Magaluf booked and paid for.

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