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Embarrassment As Duke Of Edinburgh Mistakes Bearded Man For Rolf Harris

The Duke of Edinburgh caused embarrassment to another bearded man last night, when he mistook him for Rolf Harris.  Just a few days after asking his bodyguard whether a bearded man at the Sandringham New Years Day church service was a terrorist, the gaffe-prone Duke mistook a man walking his dog on the Sandringham estate for the disgraced artist, entertainer and Stylophone inventor.

A Royal insider, who asked not to be named said it was all a bit embarrassing. “The Duke spotted the man and yelled ‘I say –  Harris’ before launching into a tuneless rendition of Tie me Kangaroo Down Sport.” The Duke had previously met Harris in 2005 when he painted a portrait of The Queen, and often accompanied him on the wobble board during Her Majesty’s hourly ciggie break.

The insider told us that the man looked flustered and hurried off in the opposite direction, while aides gently pointed out that it couldn’t possibly be Harris as he’s in prison.  When told of the circumstances, the Duke is reported to have said “My God! Have they made that illegal now? Whatever next?” before wandering off back to the house.

The Bugle understands that there is concern in the Royal household that the current popularity of beards is likely to make incidents like this, all the more frequent in the future.

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