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Consumer Champion Regularly Sets Fire To Wad Of Twenty Pound Notes To Use As Impromptu Torch, Lacky Reveals


Consumer champion, Martin Lewis, spends his working life urging the public to exercise frugality, but insiders have revealed that the MoneySavingExpert founder is very different to the character he portrays in public. and have lifted the lid on his extravagant lifestyle.

“Martin made shitloads when he sold MoneySavingExpert,” said Dave Rogers, the man Lewis pays to organise his briefcase “and now he gets through money like water. Every night he goes out to check on the security guards protecting his country estate and when his torch battery ran out last week, he just whipped a wad of twenties out of his back pocket and set fire to them to get some light. I’ve seen him do that loads of times.”

Dave’s account of the Lewis lifestyle is backed up by Ray Rogers who has a contract to match up the self-styled financial guru’s socks. “I’ve seen things that would make an Arab Sheikh blush.” he told us. “He pays me to match up his socks, just so they look neat in the bin. He only wears them once. Same with his Calvin Klein’s. There’s a guy who comes in to pick them up off the bedroom carpet once a week.  He’s supposed to throw them away but he makes a fortune selling them to utility switching groupies and discount coupon fans on eBay. He went to Mauritius on holiday in December.”

The Bugle understands that Lewis employs over 30 full time staff, to attend to his every whim, and owns 20 luxury cars despite not having a driving licence. “He just sits in them on the drive and revs them until the petrol tanks run dry” said another flunky “and then he has one of his chauffeurs go and fill them up again. He doesn’t even collect the points. I don’t think Martin has even looked at a bill for 10 years. I suggested changing energy supplier and he laughed in my face. He’s living a lie.”

We approached Lewis for a comment, but the person who answered the phone, and claimed to be his in-house homeopath, said he was too busy patronising some poor people to take our call.

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