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Trump Chases Sponsorship Deal with Levi Strauss After Being Told He Has Great Genes

Genius President of The United States Donald Trump ordered his representatives to hammer out a lucrative sponsorship deal with a major denim company last night, after a White House medic complemented him on his genes.

White House medic, Dr Ronny Jackson was responding to reporters who questioned the presidents clean bill of health in the light of his poor diet and lack of exercise. Dr Jackson said Mr Trump had great genes, a comment which sent dollar signs spinning in the business moguls eyes

An insider told The Bugle “It was all a bit embarrassing really. The president has always had a little trouble with nuances in language, despite apparently being able to tell the time from an analogue clock and identify three animals from a simple line drawing. Nobody has the heart to tell him, and so we’ve set the ball rolling to see what we can do.”

A spokesman for Levi Strauss said they had already been approached by White House officials and were not averse to the idea in principle “Our ad agency guys have already come up with a concept based around ‘The Arse Of America'” he said “We really think this could be a great tie-in with our product and resonate with the public”

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