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The Rotherham Bugle

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Trump Administration Unveil Plan To Add Guns To School Geometry Sets


In a move designed to combat the increasing number of mass shootings in American schools, White House officials have unveiled a plan to add a gun and ammunition to every school geometry set.

“The problem,” said a Trump administration spokesman, “is that some kids are turning up for school without the basic equipment to defend themselves against a crazed gunman carrying a semi-automatic weapon. By making a gun part of the compulsory equipment that every child must have, we’ll ensure that everyone  is tooled up and ready to return fire, should they be attacked by someone loosing off with an assault rifle, which they are perfectly entitled to own under the constitution of this great country of ours.”

The Bugle understands that the plan was chosen over an alternative one to grow a pair of balls, and stop pandering to  a set of red neck, ill-educated , reactionary twats and get rid of a part of the bill of rights which was written for the world in 1791, and has no place in civilized society. The alternative  plan was rejected after the right to bear arms was rendered sacrosanct and inalienable by knob heads who had never looked in a dictionary to see what the word ‘amendment’ means.

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