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Humanitarian Aid Teams Airlifted Into Barnsley As KFC Crisis Enters Fourth Day.


Humanitarian aid teams have been flown into Barnsley this afternoon,  as the KFC chicken shortage starts to bite and fish and chip shops struggle to cope. Locals, who normally survive on a diet of bargain buckets and full fat Coca Cola, face the agonising choice between starvation and making the arduous half mile journey to McDonald’s. “It’s a living nightmare,”  said one local woman who asked not to be named. “If this continues I’m going to have to get the microwave instructions out. “

One aid worker told us of some of the harrowing scenes he’d witnessed. “We went into one house and there was an entire family huddled together in a state of shock.  They were just sitting  on the sofa rocking back and forth repeating ‘It’s finger lickin’ good’ over and over. It was just awful.  I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Relief efforts have been hampered by the fact that few of those affected have any means of preparing or cooking food, and there is uncertainty over whether the water supply is drinkable because nobody has ever tried.

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