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Lefties’ Appetite For Nigel Farage Joke Totally Insatiable, New Study Reveals

Twenty months after he resigned and became a political irrelevance, the appetite for the Nigel Farage joke amongst lefties, still sore at losing the Brexit vote, shows no sign of abating.

Although the joke takes many forms – the gist – that Farage is a twat, remains largely unchanged. Common sense suggests that the joke should have died out by now, along with Nigel’s political career,  but anyone looking for a boat load of shares and likes on Facebook or Twitter is guaranteed instant success by re-stating the joke, irrespective of whether their version is funny or not.

Professor Rex Corbyn  from the South Rotherham Institute Of Political Studies, who has studied the joke,   says the phenomenon is far from unique, “We  see the same thing whenever lefties are beaten at the ballot box,” he said “They never let up on Margaret Thatcher until she died, and even then, some of them hoped she’d be resurrected so they could enjoy her dying again. It will probably be the same with Farage. Lefties hate the democratic process because it exposes them to the shocking fact that voting rights extend beyond their immediate social circle and gobshites on the internet.”

As The Bugle went to press, the editors were confidently expecting that the number of likes and shares for this article will be somewhere around about none, but have plans for a more commercially popular piece depicting Farage as Donald Trump’s assistant arse wiper – or something.

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