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The Rotherham Bugle

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Trump To Mark International Women’s Day By Keeping His Hands To Himself

President Of The United States, Donald Trump has decided to mark International Women’s Day  this year by keeping his hands to himself, an aide has revealed. In what many see as an unprecedented step, the President has decided that he won’t be grabbing any women by the pussy for the entire 24 hour period, nor taking advantage of the fact that you can do whatever you want to them when you’re famous. There’s speculation that locker room talk may also be put on hold until Friday.

“It’s a major step forward, “ said a White House spokeswoman “It’s only one day but we’re taking it a stage at a time.  We’re slowly moving the president into the latter part of the 20th Century and anticipate that his behaviour could well move out of the 1970’s threshold before the end of his tenure.”

The Bugle understands that  Mr Trump will be filling today’s  inevitable void  by reviewing his hush money arrangements,  and  binge watching recordings of The Benny Hill Show on a continuous loop.


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