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Stephen Hawking Death Prompts Renewed Attempts To Find Anyone Who’s Read Past Page 26 Of A Brief History Of Time


The sad passing of renowned theoretical physicist Professor Stephen Hawking, has prompted renewed efforts to find anyone  who has made it past page 26 of his best selling book, A Brief History Of Time. It was first published in 1988 and sold over ten million copies, and yet there is no known case of anyone reading anything after page 26, with the majority failing to get past the cover notes.

The book has been primarily purchased by people attempting to make up for Jeffrey Archer laden  bookshelves, idiots who thought it was a book about clocks, and  earnest individuals who set out with the very  best of intentions, but got lost after the bit about balls on trains and started looking at big knockers in Nuts magazine instead.

What happens after page 26 is one of the mysteries of the universe to rival anything Hawking investigated in his lifetime. Rumours that the last 50 pages simply contain the words ‘blah de blah de blah’ repeated over and over have gained some credence in non-academic circles, as have suggestions that a number of pages contain the lyrics to the entire back catalogue of the New Seekers. Nobody really knows.

As The Bugle went to press, millions  throughout the world were dusting off their copy, starting again at page one, but knowing in their heart of hearts that it will have all ended in miserable failure again by this time tomorrow.

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