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Corbyn And Sugar Embroiled In Grey-Bearded Twat Off


Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and multi millionaire businessman, entrepreneur and TV personality Lord Sugar were locked in a bitter twat-off last night, following Sugar tweeting a photoshopped picture depicting Corbyn sitting in a car next to Adolf Hitler.

Both men have grey hair, both have grey beards and they are of a similar age, but what nobody seemed able to agree upon last night was, who is the biggest twat? There was some general concensus that they are both bearded twats, but no agreement on the scale and relative magnitude of their twatishness.

Cordelia Watts from PR agency Crook Shyster told The Bugle “It’s a difficult one to call. Sugar goes out of his way to be a twat on Twitter on a daily basis and does a good job of it, but you can’t ignore Corbyn’s natural ability. It’s effortless for him. He can be a twat without trying. In the end it comes down to whether you prefer hard work over God-given talent. You can’t even split them on their football alleigance – one supports Arsenal, the other Spurs. Equal twats there then.”

As The Bugle went to press, both men were continuing to be twats.



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