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Archives for April 2018

New Home Secretary Hits The Ground Running And Detains Himself

New Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, got straight down to business this morning, and detained himself. A spokesperson for the Home Office said that Mr Javid will not be carrying out any official duties until there has been a thorough investigation into his immigration status. “In the aftermath of the Windrush scandal, it’s vital that nobody


  In what is thought to be a landmark case, and something of a turn-around,  ACDEFHJKMNOPRSUVWXYZ  are  taking legal action against  LGBTQI for what they say is letterist discrimination. ‘X’, which is co-ordinating the action on behalf of the other 19 letters, told The Bugle “LGBTQI have got away with this for too long. At

Kate Creates Unrealistic Expectations Of New Mothers, Say Skanks

  The Duchess Of Cambridge created unrealistic and unattainable expectations of new mothers this week, according to scruffy skanks and scummers everywhere. The Duchess who emerged from the Lindo wing of  St Mary’s hospital in London on Tuesday after giving birth  looking like a regular human being,  was roundly criticised by skanky women  everywhere, who

Corbyn Promises New Bank Holiday For Yom Kippur

  Jeremy Corbyn today promised that a future Labour government would grant a whole raft of new bank holidays, in an attempt to corner the idle bastard vote. In addition to new holidays to mark the saint’s days of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, atheist Corbyn has revealed that he also intends to introduce several

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