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Class Division Emerges Amongst Labour Supporters With No Clear Agreement On Who To Hate


A clear class division has emerged between hard of thinking middle class and working class Labour supporters, over which religion or race to hate.

Dim-witted middle class Labour voters have been taking to Facebook in increasing numbers to express anti Semitic views, apparently because Jews tend to be more successful than average – which will obviously never do. While at the other end of the social spectrum, ten-watt working class Labour voters continue to express anti-Muslim views, having witnessed the behaviour of a relatively tiny number of extremists and extrapolated its intent to two billion people worldwide.

“It’s a difficult one.” said a party spokesperson last night. “We really need a clear policy on who to hate and stick to it – either that or accept that people are individuals and not to be simplistically categorised or defined by a race or religion. That’s another radical idea we’re going to look at.”

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