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Bitter Disappointment For Corbyn As Mackenzie Crook Revealed As The New Worzel Gummidge


Jeremy Corbyn was said to be inconsoleable tonight as it was revealed that The Office star Mackenzie Crook has beaten him to the role of Worzel Gummidge, a character made famous by Jon Pertwee in the late 70’s, and set to be reprised.

For younger readers, Worzel Gummidge is a mischievous scarecrow who  can come to life when he wants. If he’s in trouble and  about to be cornered, then he turns back into a lifeless scarecrow again. The comparisons are hard to ignore.

It’s an open secert in political circles that Gummidge became something of a hero and role model for Corbyn, with his disheveled appearance and interchangeable heads, which include a turnip and a swede. A Labour party insider revealed that Corbyn has harboured ambitions of reprising the role himself for many years, and today’s announcement will come as a bitter disappointment.

“Jeremy’s heart has never really been in politics,” he said “His life has been one long full dress reherasal audition for that role. People will understand now why he looks the way that he does and often appears to make decisions using some form of root vegetable.”

The Bugle understands that Mr Corbyn is now regretting  allowing David Cameron to shame him into getting a decent suit and tie.



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