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Barista Is Italian For Pretentious Twat, Linguist Reveals

Travel back in time little more than a decade and very few people were familiar with the word Barista. But as the number of Starbucks and Costa branches proliferated, the sight of young people proudly wearing company liveried T shirts bearing the legend, ‘Barista’, became a familiar one. But what exactly is a Barista?

Until now, most people had assumed it was something to do with making and serving coffee, but now an Italian linguist has come forward to reval the truth, that Barista is a colloquial term used mainly in the north east of the country to refer to a pretentious twat. “This is the literal meaning in the north East of Italy said Professor Mario Mocha from the Milan Institute of Applied Linguistics “but go a little further south and there are slight variations in the useage of the term. Depending on which part of the country you’re in, it can mean ‘gap-year dosser’, ‘Mickey Mouse course graduate’ or even ‘tatooed and top-knotted tit’.”

An insider at Starbucks confirmed that they have known about the meaning all along, “It’s our little private joke.” he told us “Tell ’em they’re going to be a Barista and you can get away with paying next to nothing. It’s genius.They get a fancy title and a quasi-artisan overall, and we get to keep the money and have a laugh at their expense.”

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