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The Rotherham Bugle

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Warm Weather Takes Its Toll As Pensioner Forced To Shed Overcoat


The unseasonably hot weather finally took its toll yesterday as a pensioner was forced to leave the house without her overcoat.

As the mercury touched 27 degrees centigrade, Gladys Watts, 85, from Rotherham took the unprecedented step of venturing outside without her full length Crombie,  gloves, and scarf.

“Me homies at the bus stop thought I’d lost it big time “ said Gladys who made the journey into town wearing nothing more than a jumper, bodywarmer and fleece “but I’ve always been hardy. One day last summer I went to bingo without a vest.”

As the Bugle went to press, the temperature had dropped to a more manageable 20 centigrade and Gladys had reverted to wearing a woolly bobble hat and thermal socks for putting the rubbish out.

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