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Kanye West To Star In Remake Of Roots


Kanye West has secured a starring role in a remake of the 1970’s classic TV series, Roots. The rapper, social historian and Donald Trump fanboy will play central character Kunte Kinte in this new interpretation of Alex Haley’s iconic book.

“It’s a little bit different to the original” an insider told The Bugle, “Kunte Kinte bags himself a ticket on a United States bound ship after responding to a small ad’ headed ‘Slaves Wanted – Good Rates Of Pay And Conditions. All Found’  After arriving in America he shuns all thoughts of going free, preferring the comfort and security of the Massa’s benevolence. It’s a story about adventure, travel and choice.”

The Bugle understands that amongst other changes to the original storyline, the name of West’s character will be shortened to Kunt.


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