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Mother Teresa’s Porn Stash Discovered


Hot on the heels of the publication of two new pages from Anne Frank’s diary this week, containing a handful of dirty jokes and her thoughts on sex written while hiding from the Nazis, there was an even bigger bombshell today with the discovery of Mother Teresa’s porn stash. The nun, missionary and modern-day Saint died in 1997 at the age of 87.

Archivist’s trawling through her private documents discovered what they described as “a veritable fapstack” hidden within a pile of documents about ‘nunning and that’. A spokesperson for the team that found the material said it came as quite a surprise, “It wasn’t so much that it was there – we often find a decent collection of grumble-fodder amongst the possessions of anyone going without for any length of time – but rather the range of material. I won’t go into detail, but let’s just say she wouldn’t have been stuck for choice.”

The Bugle understands that plans are in place for a selection of the material to go on display at a special  exhibition in Calcutta later in the year, provisionally entitled ‘Wears The Soap?”

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