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The Rotherham Bugle

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Huge Day For Tolerance And Integration As Fit Woman Set To Marry Ginger


Tomorrow represents a huge leap forward in tolerance and integration as a fit woman looks set to  marry a ginger. If she goes through with it, it  will be the first recorded case of a ginger not having to settle for a double bagger since Henry VIII finally copped a looker with Anne Of Cleves.

An insider close to the bride told the Bugle, “Her father is gutted and won’t be going to the wedding but he’s old school She’s conscious of what people might be saying but he’s already going thin on top so she figures it won’t be an issue for too long anyway.”

Although things are improving, gingers still often have to wait to go either bald or grey before they get a look-in, so tomorrows events offer new  hope for millions around the world.


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