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Public Urged To Chop Down A Tree As Co2 Crisis Grows


The public were being urged to do their bit and chop down a tree last night, as the Co2 shortage intensified.

Brewers and soft drink manufacturers have been forced to cut back on production at a time of peak demand because of a shortage of Co2. The shortage has led to widespread  distress with many people forced into drinking water,  milk or Old Peculiar.

“Those green suckers are hoovering up all the Co2 out there,” a government spokesman told The Bugle. “The message is clear – if you don’t want flat Coke or lager while you’re watching the footie, get out there with your chainsaw and take down a tree or two.”

The Bugle understands that chopping down just one mature Oak tree could save enough Co2 to create two pints of Stella and a Carling Shandy.

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