Rotherham Town Centre Evacuated As Chance Meeting Between Old Friends Leads To Widespread Panic
A chance meeting between two old school friends led to panic and a mass evacuation of Rotherham town centre earlier this morning.
Jehad Khan (27) from Clifton says he was coming back from football training when he heard his name being shouted from the other side of the All Saints Square. “I immediately recognised it as my old mate Ali,” he told the Bugle” and so I shouted back to him….Ali Akbar!…Next thing I know everyone is running for cover and there’s just me and Ali looking at each other across the square wondering what the **** happened there.”
The town centre was immediately evacuated and the pair were arrested and taken in for questioning Both say they can see the funny side, now they’ve been released and the Taser wounds have started to settle down.
“I’m going to be a lot more careful in future” said a relieved Jehad, as he unpacked football kit from his rucksack back at his Broom Valley home, “but it could have happened to anyone.”