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Celebrations In Barnsley As Average Age Of First Time Mobility Scooter Purchase Rises To Thirty Eight


Health officials in Barnsley were celebrating this week as it emerged that the average age at which locals get their first mobility scooter, has risen to thirty eight.

“It’s a landmark day for health in the borough.” said Richard Head from the local health authority. “It means that Barnsley people are staying fit and active for longer. Just yesterday, I saw a man who I know to be in his late 40’s walking without the aid of a stick. It’s very encouraging. If this kind of improvement continues, we’re confident that life expectancy in the borough will surpass that of southern Sudan by 2030.”

As The Bugle went to Press, it was revealed that such is the concern at the trend amongst local scooter retailers, that they are attempting to lure in younger buyers with the promise of  free vouchers for Sports Direct and Greggs.

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