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Yorkshire People Urged To Spare A Thought For Lancastrians On Yorkshire Day


As they celebrated Yorkshire Day, residents of this great county were being urged  to pause and spare a thought for their neighbours in Lancashire today. The county across the Pennines was once seen as a rival to God’s own county but has now descended into a sorry collection of run down mill towns and Manchester dormitory estates, punctuated by the rancid cherry on the  turd that is Blackpool.

“It can’t be easy for them,”  said Harry Levity from Yorkshire Forever “We have two National parks,  fantastic cities, beautiful market towns,  a heritage site coastline and a huge reputation and standing around the globe spanning industry, sport and the arts. They’ve got Burnley, some mud flats at Morecambe and Paddy McGuinness.”

Yorkshire people were being urged to dip into their pockets and  give generously to a relief effort  this afternoon, and as The Bugle went to press, they had responded in the traditional manner, raising almost £2.75, much of it in pre-decimal currency.

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