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Urgent Appeal Launched After Barnsley Family Chip Pan Stolen

Friends and neighbours have launched an urgent appeal for information this afternoon after a Barnsley family had their chip pan stolen. The pan went missing last Sunday afternoon when a door was left open during the hot weather, and the Lard family from Wombwell say they have only been surviving thanks to the charity of neighbours who have rallied round and are frying up double quantities.

“It’s really good of ‘em,  but we can’t keep going on like this, said Frank Lard (37) as he scoured local Gumtree ad’s for any sign that the criminals were about to cash in on their haul. “God knows how we’d manage if we were a big family, but the three eldest have left home so there’s just the eight of us now.  My Maureen is in bits. She just keeps rocking back and forth on the pouffe, saying ‘why me?’ I don’t know how these people can sleep at night.”

“This could have happened to any of us, and I’d just like to appeal to whoever did  this to give it back.” said Len Battersby  who lives next door to the Lards and is co-ordinating the appeal for information. “We don’t care about catching those responsible now, we just want the pan back so that Frank, Maureen and the family can start rebuilding their lives.”

As The Bugle went to press, hopes that the pan had been recovered were scotched when a reported sighting in nearby Brampton Bierlow turned out to be a discarded Wok in a string bag.

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