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Cliff To Reinvent Himself As Drill Rapper


Sources close to Cliff Richard have revealed that the singer is planning a complete change of direction in his career, and preparations are well advanced for him to relaunch as a Drill Rapper. As regular readers will be well aware, Drill is a trap subgenre originating from young, Chicago (Prominently South-Side) rappers and producers. The genre is one of the most prominent contemporary facets of Chicago hip hop and defined by its dark, grim, violent lyrical content and ominous trap-influenced beats.

An insider told The Bugle, “Cliff is conscious that his audience is literally dying around him. He now wants to connect with a younger crowd and sees his recent run in with the police as the perfect springboard to launch himself in this new and exciting direction. He knows there’s quite a gulf between Congratulations and My Lil Nigga’s, but it’s one he’s confident of bridging.”

As we went to press, rumours that Cliff was planning to put together a Drill posse, also featuring  Michael Barrymore and Jimmy Tarbuck, had still to be confirmed.

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