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Signatures On Cheques Only Available For An Additional Charge, Says Ryanair


Ryanair customers were said to be furious last night, after receiving cheques from the company which were unsigned. The cheques had been issued for a number of reasons including refunds and compensation for late flights. A number of customers apparently incurred bank charges when they tried to bank the unsigned cheques.

A company spokesperson was unrepentant as we caught up with him patting down customers on the 11.00am Dublin flight for any residual loose change. “Refund and compensation cheques are issued in line with company policy” he told The Bugle “but if customers want them signing there is an additional charge.  It’s all explained very clearly on page 423 of our terms and conditions, which are available online.”

The Bugle understands that there is a sliding scale of ‘signature charges’ which roughly corresponds with the value of the cheque.

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