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Archives for October 2018

New Spice Girls Documentary To Go Ahead Without Posh And Ginger

  A new Where are they now?’ style documentary about  1990’s hit band The Spice Girls, is set to go ahead despite Victoria Beckham and Gerry Halliwell pulling out at the last minute. A spokesperson for the pair told The Bugle “After a preliminary meeting Victoria and Gerry realised their lives had taken very different paths, but

Russian Secret Service Thank Saudi’s For Making Them Look Good

Russian secret service officials have sent a message of thanks to their Saudi counterparts this morning after their activities in Istanbul made the Salisbury debacle look like the work of genius. Sergie Bolokov , a spokesman for the Russian Intelligence Agency, told the Bugle “Salisbury was a disaster. When your officers get offered parts in

Snot Equality As Kleenex Put An End To Mansized Tissues

  Women’s groups  were celebrating yet another giant leap forward towards full equality this morning after Kleenex announced they have bowed to pressure and  will no longer be branding their tissues ‘Mansized’.  Equality campaigners say the move recognises the fact that women can produce just as much  snot, mucus and general nose gunk as any

Daniel Craig Mocks Piers Morgan For Carrying Baby

  Daniel Craig has turned the tables on all-round arse hole Piers Morgan after the Breakfast TV presenter criiticised Craig for  transporting his baby in a front-mounted papoose, saying it was emasculating. The criticism led to the headline “Piers Morgan Mocks Daniel Craig For Carrying Baby.” “At least I can take the bugger off” the

Queen Concerned New Royal Baby Will Be Ginger

  The Queen has expressed concern that her next great-grandchild will be ginger after Prince Harry and the Duchess Of Sussex announced that they are expecting their first child next spring. A spokesperson for Buckingham Palace told The Bugle. “Obviously it’s a big concern for everyone. Her Majesty is hopeful that Meghan’s heritage may be

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