Teacher Consults Union Rep After Missing Start Of Tipping Point
A school teacher has consulted her union representative after missing the start of Tipping Point four times last year. The teacher, who can’t be named for spurious reasons says that she missed the start of the 4.00pm show after getting stuck behind other teacher’s cars in the school car park.
She told The Bugle “I love Ben Shepherd and always make a point of legging it as soon as the little bastards have got their books closed so I can be snuggled down with a cup of coffee when the show comes on. But four times last year, I was scuppered by other teachers who were away on their toes quicker than me. I’ve consulted my union rep about having the school make the way out two lanes at half past three so it doesn’t happen again.”
A spokesperson for the school accepted there was a problem. “I know where she’s coming from” he said “I missed the start of Garden Rescue last week when I got stuck behind that tosser of a Geography teacher driving his ironic Morris 1000. Twat.”
As The Bugle went to press, the school concerned were said to be exploring all possible avenues to solve the problem, including shortening the school day further to forty five minutes with half an hour for lunch.