Schools Delight As ‘Little Extras’ Boost From Chancellor Could Lead To A Teacher For Every Class
Schools throughout the land were celebrating this morning following chancellor Philip Hammond’s announcement in yesterdays budget of a £400 million increase in education spending to pay for the “little extras” that schools need.
“This is wonderful news” one headteacher from Rotherham told us “It means we can put the heating on in winter for a bit and maybe even buy some tarpaulin for the roof. We’re even looking at getting a teacher for every class.” “I’m overjoyed” another senior teacher told us while looking to the heavens “Praise the Lord. It means we might be able to buy a few books and maybe a few secondhand desks as well. We’re scouring eBay right now for some old Amstrad computers.”
As we went to press there were even rumours that one school in Barnsley is looking at the possibility of getting average class sizes down below forty six.