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Woman Quits Instagram After Pout Wears Out


A Rotherham woman has spoken of her dismay at being forced to quit Instagram after her pout totally gave up the ghost.

Joanne Pucker, 25,  from Whiston has been an avid user of the social media site for several years now, but was forced to cancel her account earlier this week when her lips suddenly refused to contort into something akin to a lipstick coated constipated cows sphincter.

“I don’t know what happened, “ she told The Bugle “I was in the process of taking the 746th close up of my pout when it refused to work. I can still smile, but that’s no good. My followers would think I’d lost the plot if I smiled. They say ‘use it or lose it’. Well I used it and I lost it. The future looks uncertain.”

As The Bugle went to press, Joanne was considering moving into another genre and was frantically practicing fat arse shots in the bathroom mirror.

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