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Barnsley Woman To Sue O2 As Arse Misses Peak Instagram Posting Slot


A Barnsley woman who’s Instagram account is dedicated to displaying her ample buttocks in all their glory, says she intends to sue mobile phone service provider O2, after the companies service went down today and she missed an important posting slot.

Kerry Cardash-Fan, 28,  from Wombwell says she was traumatised at lunchtime today when she found herself out of wifi range and unable to post a slightly out of focus photo of her rear end in threadbare leggings, taken through a toothpaste stained bathroom mirror. “I’m building up my fanbase” she told The Bugle “and have nearly 200 followers now. The momentum was growing and I’ve had to let my fans down. It’s a gutter and I want compensation.”

A spokesperson for O2 said they were investigating the problem and are currently fielding complaints from a number of customers including a  62 year old man from Rotherham who was unavoidably forced to masturbate from memory.

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