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Archives for January 2019

What ‘Alternative Arrangement’?…Said Everyone

The country was united in bewilderment this evening as MP’s voted through an amendment to the Brexit deal, recommending an ‘alternative arrangement’ to the Irish backstop. Naïve observers, including this reporter, were intrigued to hear what this alternative arrangement was when the amendment was tabled earlier today. But they were to be disappointed. Astonishingly, it

Teacher Pencils In Snow Day As It Gets A Bit Chilly

A teacher has already pencilled in at least one snow day later this week, after forecasters admitted there’s an outside chance of a light dusting. If confirmed, it will be the first snow day for teachers since last time it got a bit chilly. “I can’t believe we’re nearly in February and we haven’t had

Barnsley Woman Mugged For Carrier Bags Outside Lidl

A Barnsley woman was mugged outside the towns Lidl store this morning, and the thief made off with her plastic carrier bags. Onlookers say they saw the woman, smartly dressed in skin tight leggings and baggy sweat shirt under a pink dressing gown, leave the store with two  bags full of shopping at around 10.00am.

Corbyn Gets Shit Deal On New Car

Jeremy Corbyn took a break from doing sod all about Brexit this morning, when he called into his local ShitCars R Us dealership to buy a new car. On arrival at the dealership, Mr Corbyn told the salesman that he would be buying something from him today, no matter what. An hour later he was

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