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Barnsley Woman Mugged For Carrier Bags Outside Lidl

A Barnsley woman was mugged outside the towns Lidl store this morning, and the thief made off with her plastic carrier bags.

Onlookers say they saw the woman, smartly dressed in skin tight leggings and baggy sweat shirt under a pink dressing gown, leave the store with two  bags full of shopping at around 10.00am. She was approached by what was described as “a scrote”. After a brief verbal exchange, he grabbed the bags before tipping the contents on to the car park and making off with the two plastic bags, said to be worth at least 20p.

A police spokesperson said, “We’re seeing a spate of attacks like this now that everyone is charging for bags. Obviously they’re not doing it for the shit that’s in them. It’s just the bags they’re after.”

Lidl shoppers are being warned to be on their guard and to carry their purchases in their arms so that would-be assailants can see they have nothing of value.

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