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May Claims Victory As Irish Backstop Changed To Backstop Of Ireland

Theresa May returned from Brussels claiming victory this afternoon after the EU agreed to replace the Irish backstop  with the backstop of Ireland.

A spokesman for Number 10 told The Bugle, “They said they weren’t prepared to negotiate on the Irish backstop but we knew they’d have to cave in eventually. We see this as a major concession which we intend to put before the house sometime next week.”

When asked to explain what the change actually means in real terms, the spokesman explained that replacing the word Irish with Ireland and moving it to the end of the phrase hands moral ownership of the backstop over to the Nation Of Ireland and by implication, the EU. “It’s now a backstop that belongs to Ireland…and therefore the EU… rather than a backstop which happens to be Irish”. he said “It’s a massive difference. Who wouldn’t want to vote for that?”

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