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Born Again Vinyl Fan ‘Just Being A Dick About It’

A man who claims to prefer the warmth and tonal quality of music played on vinyl, over more modern mediums, is just being a dick about it his friends and colleagues have decided.

IT Consultant Richard Head 38 says you can’t beat the character-rich sound created when needle and vinyl come together, but those who know him paint a different picture. “He’s being a total dick,” said Tom Gunn who works with Richard “He’s a boring twat at the best of times and sees this supposed fascination with vinyl as a way to make himself seem more interesting in a vintage, cool back-to-basics sort of way. Well it doesn’t, it just makes him look a dick.”

Richard was unapologetic when we caught up with him as he gave his collection a rub over with an anti-static cloth. “I know people say it’s a less practical and durable medium offering inferior crackly sound quality and a storage headache, but those people have no soul.” he said. “It’s the future and the past, coming together as one. It’s the artist at his most resonant and pure, devoid of distractions. It’s what was meant to be.”

“As I said, he’s being a dick” said Tom

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