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Folic Acid To Be Added To Lambert & Butlers In Barnsley

Folic Acid is to be added to Lambert and Butlers in Barnsley, in an attempt to further reduce the risks associated with pregnancy in the borough. Regular readers will be aware that the nutrient is already added in all branches of KFC, Taco Bell and independent chip shops throughout the town, but the new initiative is being brought in to reach pregnant women who survive exclusively on a diet of fags and lard.

“We’ve been seeing good results from what we’ve done so far” said Tania White-Bits from the health authority in the town. “Adding folic acid in chippies and KFC’s had a big impact and we want to move the whole thing forward now, by reaching those women who only eat chips or other shite, three or four times a week.”

The Bugle understands that there is some substance to rumours that folic acid supplementation in school dinners is soon to be filtered down to the town’s junior schools, just to be on the safe side.

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