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Archives for July 2019

Evil Bastard Insect Planning To Screw Up Your Day

An evil bastard insect has admitted that it is planning to really screw up your day. The insect, which can’t be named for entomological reasons has not been seen for about a year. But as the temperatures rose into the 30’s this week, it emerged from Christ knows where and set out to put its

Boring Twat Now Communicates Exclusively By GIF

A boring twat is compensating for a total absence of any wit, personality or humour by communicating exclusively via GIF, it has emerged. Nigel Postlethwaite 37, who uses a number of online usernames including CoolDude, RockinIt, and DaBoss says that he used to struggle to get involved in online discussions but that all changed when

Trump Vindicated As Scientists Reveal Skeletal Matter Incapable of Discriminating Between Skin Tones

Donald Trump was technically correct when he said he doesn’t have a racist bone in his body it has emerged. Experts have revealed that skeletal matter is incapable of  independent sentient thought, let alone distinguishing between subtly different skin tones. “Trump definitely has no racist bones,” said Professor  Dick Flic from The University Of South