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Barnsley To Have More Road Signs Translated Into Dingle

Road safety campaigners in south Yorkshire are calling for more road signs to be translated into Dingle after a series of accidents and near misses in the Barnsley area. Although most signs are already translated into Yorkshire, Dingle is a completely separate language and very few in the area are bilingual.

“It’s a big concern.”  said Rob Carr from the local road safety alliance. “Take the sign featured here in this article, most people from Yorkshire can understand it but it may just as well be in Swahili to a Dingle. Mr Carr cites the correct Dingle translation as  ‘Reight whent’ red leeat’s on owd thi osses’.” and is calling for signs across the area to be changed to reflect cultural diversification in the area.

“More needs to be done for Dingles.” Mr Carr told The Bugle “The Welsh have their own sign and most of them buggers can speak English.”

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