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Theresa May Awards Knighthood To Stubborn Bastard Who Was Difficult To Get Out

There were raised eyebrows this morning as it was revealed that Theresa May has awarded a knighthood to Geoffrey Boycott in her resignation honours list. The outspoken Yorkshireman has a chequered history punctuated by controversial comments and a conviction for assaulting his girlfriend in 1998 in France.

An insider close to the former Prime Minister told The Bugle “It’s a strange one really, because he’s a controversial character and nobody even knew she was interested in cricket. But there’s no doubt that Boycott is a stubborn bastard who proved impossible to get out for a long time, so maybe Mrs May sees him as a kindred spirit.”

As the Bugle went to press, Boycott was telling all and sundry to **** off as normal.

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