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Ronnie Barker Joke To Apply For Restraining Order Following Blenheim Toilet Theft

A joke originally delivered by perenial TV favourite Ronnie Barker, is understood to be about to apply for a restraining order following the theft of a gold toilet from Blenheim palace this week.

The joke, which cannot be told here for legal reasons, is understood to be distressed at being repeated by thousands of witless bores on Twitter, many of whom have put it out as something they’ve come up with themselves.

An insider close to the joke told The Bugle “The joke knows it was quite funny in the early 1980’s, but now feels that in the new era, in which everyone thinks they’re a bleedin’ comedian, it’s being devalued. The joke never thought anyone would actually steal a toilet and so never expected anything like this to happen. It’s devastated and just wants to be left alone.”

As The Bugle went to press, another joke was understood to be monitoring events closely as a man went into a shop in Basingstoke looking for an as yet unspecified number of candles.

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