Francois Prepares For Possible Brexit Victory By Rinsing Out His Special Sock
Vice chairman of the ERG committee Mark Francois is understood to be so confident of victory in the Brexit vote in parliament this afternoon, that he has laundered his special sock.
Those close to the sweaty pot-bellied bell end have revealed that the sock makes regular appearances on occasions where the brits get one over on Johnny Foreigner, but this is the first time he’s washed it out.
“We thought he might give it a run through on a cool cycle after England’s 6-0 thrashing of Bulgaria in the week, but he didn’t.” an insider revealed. “This is the big one for Mark. We’re re expecting it to be deployed during Boris’s victory speech. If we don’ t win it will probably go back in the drawer until we torpedo a boat load of asylum seekers in the English Channel or something.”