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Southampton Players To Avoid Heading And Kicking The Ball Amidst Safety Fears

Professional footballers appear to be taking safety concerns increasingly seriously, and none more so than those at Southampton. The clubs players have now taken the decision to stay away from the ball altogether, following renewed publicity about the dangers inherent in football and its links to dementia. Most of the concern so far, seems to relate to issues surrounding heading the ball, but the club say they’re taking no chances.

“The safety of our players is of paramount importance” a club spokesperson told The Bugle “And for that reason we have taken the decision to advise our players to avoid heading or kicking the football during matches. The Bugle understands that the advice was put in place for the first time last Friday, before the 9-0 home defeat to Leicester.

“I’m pleased to say that I saw little or no evidence of any of our players coming into contact with the ball during open play” said the spokesperson “and that can only be a positive thing for their long term health. The only negative is that one or two of them are reporting sore backs this morning, possibly from picking the ball out of the back of the net. That’s something we’ll have to address.”

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