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Meghan in ‘Headline-Stealing Brit Bum Boy’ Rant

The Duchess of Sussex was said to be ‘f***ing furious this morning over what she was heard to describe as ‘that Brit bum boy’ stealing all the good headlines. In what appears to be a reference to the positive media response to TV presenter Philip Schofield coming out as gay, Meghan was less than empathetic with Schofield’s timing, coming as it did, on the day husband Prince Harry made his first paid speech since stepping down as a senior royal, for J P Morgan in Miami.

An incandescent Duchess was heard to ask “Why the f***ing hell couldn’t he have done this while we were in the deep shit a few weeks ago?”of anyone who would listen, while bemoaning the fact that “Nobody really gives a rats chuff about Harry’s speech now”

An insider told the Bugle “This is the start of a new business for Meghan and Harry and on another day I don’t think she would have been moved to use language like ‘grey haired old twat’ and ‘geriatric bender’. We’re putting it down to stress.”

As the Bugle went to press, Sir Elton John was still to take sides.

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