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Opposition to HS2 ‘not a problem’ under Chinese plan

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is understood to be giving serious consideration this morning, to a proposal by the Chinese National Railway Company to complete the HS2 project within 5 years and at a much reduced cost. According to sources, the company say they can have the railway up and running by 2025 as opposed to 2040 under the current plan.

“They seem very confident,” a government insider told The Bugle “and they looked genuinely confused when we explained that ongoing opposition, consultation and compensation to those adversly affected was delaying the project. Apparently they have a cunning plan to deal with all that. I don’t know what it is but it sounds jolly good.”

The Bugle understands that the UK’s withdrawl from the EU may also help in facilitating the new Chinese plan, by removing the need to adhere to “pesky rules” relating to the pay, conditions and safety of those working on the project. “You can’t make an omlette without breaking a few eggs” our insider said.

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