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Boris Still Looking For His Wellies

Prime minister Boris Johnson was reported to be still trying to locate his wellies this morning. Mr Johnson had been hoping to visit some of the area’s devastated by the recent floods, but several days after the severe weather hit, he has still not been able to find his Le Chameau specials

“Obviously he’s disappointed.” A Number Ten advisor told The Bugle as he idly perused a well-thumbed copy of ‘Mein Kampf  For Dummies’ but what can you do? You can’t go to a flood in loafers. He’s looked everywhere- even the fridge. Rest assured that just as soon as he finds the blighters he’ll be right there.”

Mr Johnson isn’t the only one conspicuous by his absence from the flood zone. Jeremy Corbyn, who spent almost the entire recent election campaign standing in a puddle brandishing a mop hasn’t been seen there either, or indeed anywhere else. Jeremy has been having a period of reflection an insider told the Bugle, in front of the mirror mostly.

It’s not clear what the response of the Liberal Democrat leader has been to the disaster at the moment since nobody knows who it is.

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