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Archives for February 2020

Queen disappointed after opening pumping station designed to get rid of local shite and finding Prince Andrew still camped out in spare room

The Queen was looking distinctly cheesed off this afternoon after officially opening a new pumping station near Sandringham. The station has been developed to get rid of all the unwanted shite from the area, but early reports suggest it has done nothing to shift Prince Andrew. When the Queen returned to Sandringham House, she was

New Barnsley Restaurant To Introduce Cutlery

A new restaurant in Barnsley has announced ambitious plans to introduce rudimentary knives, forks and spoons. For a town so close to the historic capital of world cutlery manufacturer, Sheffield, it is perhaps surprising that the knife fork and spoon have never taken off in the borough. But that may now be all about  to

New Series Of Game Of Thyroids To Be Shot In Barnsley

HBO have today announced that their new blockbuster series, Game Of Thyroids is to be set in Barnsley. Fans of the station’s previous big hit Game Of Thrones were said to be dissatisfied with the conclusion to the final season and this new show has been created to pick up that audience and take them

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